Step 9 of Alcoholics Anonymous AA: Make Amends to People Youve Harmed

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  • Step 9 of Alcoholics Anonymous AA: Make Amends to People Youve Harmed

alcoholics anonymous living amends

When I drank, I hid it from my folks out of respect for their feelings. This continued until I was twenty-seven. I know now that 60 percent of the time I drank alone without benefit of customers.

alcoholics anonymous living amends

What is the role of a sponsor in the amends process?

I’d work okay for three or four weeks, and then I wouldn’t want to get up in the morning. I’ll get another job, I would think, but I always got fired. Why had she given me this, and what Alcohol Use Disorder made her think I was drinking? Couldn’t she see that my bottle was soda? I folded the paper neatly and put it in the back pocket of my jeans.

alcoholics anonymous living amends

FAQs on Writing Amends for AA

alcoholics anonymous living amends

We pocket our pride and go to it, illuminating every twist of character, every dark cranny of the past. Once we have taken this step, withholding nothing, we are delighted. We can be alone at perfect peace and ease. We begin to feel the nearness of our Creator. We may have had certain spiritual beliefs, but now we begin to have a spiritual experience.

Recovery Stories

I knew that I had a helper whom I could rely upon, who wouldn’t fail me. If I could stick to Him and listen, I would make it. I remember when the boys came back, I told them, “I have gone to this Higher Power, and I have told Him that I am willing to put His world first, above everything. For the benefit of those experimentally inclined, I should mention the socalled beer experiment. When beer first came back, I thought that I was safe.

Are There Times When Direct Amends Are Not Advisable?

The matter of physical treatment should, of course, be referred to your own doctor. Whatever the method, its object is to thoroughly clear mind and body of the effects of alcohol. In competent hands, this seldom takes long nor is it very expensive.

  • Get-together possible and was saturated with A.A.
  • Next they wanted to know would I be willing to go to this Higher Power and ask for help, calmly and without any reservations.
  • My father was a professional man of recognized ability and both my father and mother were most active in church affairs.
  • One boxcar headed in any direction was as good as another.
  • I recall one day when I was doing a midday show, I realized I could not go another minute without a drink.

When making amends to someone in active addiction, safeguard your own health and recovery. This might mean delaying the amends or finding alternative ways to demonstrate your commitment to change without putting yourself at risk. The goal is to maintain your recovery while striving to make things right. A well-thought-out strategy and readiness can make the amends process more effective and meaningful. Thorough preparation ensures your actions align with your intentions and positively contribute to your recovery journey and the relationships you are trying to mend. When planning, start with the people closest to you and create a communication strategy.

alcoholics anonymous living amends

My experience here at Silvermist was a lifesaving opportunity and blessing

  • In thinking about our day we may face indecision.
  • I could tell you many stories of times I was treated badly, and although the stories would be different, the feeling was always the same.
  • However, during boot camp, I recognized that this was not the answer.
  • She is indignant about it, and has a warrant out for our arrest.
  • I had neither time nor health to waste.

And I still say that as long as I remember that January 8 in Washington, that is how long, by the grace of God as I understand Him, I will retain a happy sobriety. living amends meaning Bill and Hank had just taken over a small automobile polish company, and they offered me a job – ten dollars a week and keep at Hank’s house. We were all set to put DuPont out of business. When I am through speaking, the whole idea has become absurd.

Celebrate Recovery Step 9 How to Make Amends and Forgive

  • We are only in control of our part—making and living the amends.
  • Here is a fellow who has been puzzling you, especially in his lack of control.
  • Where we were angry, we begin to be forgiving.
  • For instance, the fiftieth wedding anniversary of my wife’s parents was the occasion for a huge family reunion at our home.

No one likes to admit that they’re a drunk, that they can’t control this thing. But when we come into A.A., we can face our problem honestly and openly. I went to closed meetings and open meetings. Easy does it, first things first, one day at a time. It was at that point that I reached surrender.

Here was love, applause, war; moments sublime with intervals hilarious. I was part of life at last, and in the midst of the excitement I discovered liquor. I forgot the strong warnings and the prejudices of my people concerning drink. In time we sailed for “Over There.” I was very lonely and again turned to alcohol. There is the type of man who is unwilling to admit that he cannot take a drink. He changes his brand or his environment.

  • Finally my teaching career ended in total dishonor.
  • I made amends to the man I had attempted to kill when I was fifteen years old.
  • I remarried in Alcoholics Anonymous, to a man who believes in A.A.
  • This step ensures that you are grounded and clear about your intentions and the potential impact of your actions.
  • I was extremely insecure, though I was careful to hide this fact.
  • The more I focus my mind on its defects – late start, long drunkalogs, cigarette smoke – the worse the meeting becomes.

Apologizing is one thing, but go one step further (actually, the 9th step!) and make amends where you can. If you’ve stolen money, repay it if you can. If you’ve damaged property, replace it. Maybe you can meet with those who you’ve really hurt face to face in order to let them know how sorry you are.