Is it time to focus on your network and hybrid architecture activity visibility rather than blind mitigation?

Is it time to focus on your network and hybrid architecture activity visibility rather than blind mitigation?

Blind mitigation, which involves attempting to protect your organization’s network and systems without a clear understanding of what is happening on them, is a risky strategy that can leave you vulnerable to cyberattacks. Organizations tend to put in heavy investments into Security solutions without really analysing the true gaps in existing environment due to no real-time visibility mechanisms within. Instead, organizations should focus on achieving network and hybrid environment visibility first in order to better understand their infrastructure and proactively address potential vulnerabilities.

There are several key reasons why network and hybrid visibility is so important:

Improved threat detection: When you have visibility into your network and hybrid infrastructure, you can more easily detect and respond to potential security threats. You can monitor for unusual network activity and quickly identify when devices or applications are behaving in unexpected ways.

Enhanced compliance: Many organizations need to comply with regulations and standards related to data privacy and security. With network and hybrid visibility, you can better ensure that you are meeting these requirements and avoid costly fines and penalties.

Better performance: By understanding how your network and systems are being used, you can optimize performance and ensure that critical applications and services are running smoothly. This can help improve productivity and reduce downtime.

Proactive mitigation: With visibility into your network and hybrid infrastructure, you can proactively address potential vulnerabilities before they are exploited by cybercriminals. This includes identifying and patching vulnerabilities, implementing access controls, and taking other steps to secure your systems.

Overall, achieving network and hybrid visibility is an essential step in protecting your organization from cyber threats. By understanding your infrastructure and implementing proactive security measures, you can better defend against attacks and reduce the risk of costly data breaches and other security incidents.